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The first question is always a giddy, "Where are you now?!"  

Christine is a producer, Max is an actor, writer, and magician.  We've been happily married since 2014.

We lived in NYC until August 2020, when we traded our tiny apartment for a life on the road as nomads. We wanted to experience living in other parts of the country and the world while we still had the chance. We called it our "Life Tour". We don't have a date or place in mind when we'll settle down. Sometimes we don't know where we'll be next week! We work remotely from wherever we are and if we need to be someplace for work or life? We go! We've learned to love having fewer possessions and don't plan to stop our nomadic life anytime soon.


We loved living in New York City, in fact it was a dream for us both to be there. But when COVID-19 hit like so many others, our lives were turned upside down. Our jobs were gone and being crammed in our small apartment made us re-evaluate our quality of life.  

We started by getting rid of things and when we left our apartment we rented two mini vans and whatever fit in the vans is what we took with us to store in my sister's unfinished basement. Everything else trash!

Here are some of the benefits of having less stuff:

  • You're less stressed. When you have less stuff, you have less to worry about. You don't have to worry about cleaning, maintaining, or storing your belongings.

  • You're more organized. When you have less stuff, it's easier to keep your space clean and tidy. You don't have to spend time looking for things, and you can find what you need more easily.

  • You're more mindful. When you have less stuff, you're more aware of what you have and what you need. You appreciate the things you have more, and you're less likely to overspend.

  • You're more sustainable. When you have less stuff, you create less waste. You don't have to buy as many new things, and you can reuse and recycle more often.

If you're thinking about becoming a nomad, here are a few tips:

  • Start by decluttering your home. Get rid of anything you don't use or need.

  • Sell or donate your belongings. This will help you raise money for your travels.

  • Downsize your wardrobe. Pack only the essentials.

  • Find ways to make money on the road. There are many ways to do this, such as working remotely, freelancing, or starting your own business.

Becoming a nomad is a big decision, but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. If you're feeling lost and unfulfilled in your current life, consider giving it a try. You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy it.  I know we have been!


Mental Health:  ADHD

Early in our marriage Max's psychiatrist diagnosed Max with adult ADHD.  We also learned it brought along it's anxiety and depression.  It's hard to talk about the impact of ADHD but we know it's important to share the story.  Helps those struggling with their mental health know they aren't alone.

Supporting your spouse's mental health

As a culture we have become more accepting of ADHD.  However there does seem to be confusion around what to say to the non-ADHD spouse/partner.  We have to become normalized on both sides because to understand those with the mental disorder is necessary, so is understanding the impact that disorder has on the partner and the mental stress that comes with that as well.

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